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Tuesday 19 January 2010

THERE'S A LITTLE YELLOW JERSEY (to the North of London Town)

I understand it now
As I never have

It's about befriending the wind
It's freewheelin' the downward slope
After the struggle of the climb
It's the still-frames of scenery -
The granite mountains
The yellow-purple skies
The English hedgerows
The cities, towns and villages
The people
The being alone and the people -
That you keep in your mind
Long after the ride is through.
And it's been an Honour.

It's something you buy into
An involvement of the soul
It's the cuts and bruises
Sometimes you ride in their slipstream
And sometimes
They ride in yours
It's the sharing of the glory
A podium of infinite pain and joy
And it's been an Honour.

And I know I can say this now
Before the next race starts
Here's to the man
Who stands on the side-line
But here's love to the man
Who loves to take part.

Its been
An Honour.

1 comment:

  1. This was written for, and read at, the funeral of a wonderful man, Tony Holmes, who lost the fight against Cancer about nine years ago. Tony loved cycling, and it really was an honour x
